Office Hours - Is Tolstoy still relevant?

Major themes: Raskolnikov the rap god, The future of art, Tricking PBS

The UnSimple by Taras Prokhasko

Major themes: We can never escape Benedict Anderson, Bai-narrative, Quasi-history

  • 1 min read
To Hell with Poets by Baqytgul Sarmekova

Major themes: Aul literature, Looking for satisfaction, Having two faces

Office Hours - Why don't straight men read novels?

Major themes: A.I. bait, straight men and novels, TikTok killed the author-star

Strike! (1925) by Sergei Eisenstein

Major themes: Cow slaughter, Influencing the audience, Everything is montage

The Tears & Smiles of Things by Sodomora (w/ translators Dr. Roman Ivashkiv and Sabrina Jaszi)

Major themes: Reading antiquity, Tears and smiles, Translating translators