A Hiatus, Kind of

A quick note about a change in the podcast starting in 2025.

11 hours ago

Four books that won’t leave me alone

I have a secret to admit to you: I don’t exclusively read Slavic fiction. Books from many regions haunt my mind. Here are four works that just won't leave me alone.

4 months ago

Losing Control of the Narrative in A Volga Tale

Our stories become us. It always happens after we die, of course.

a year ago

Queer Nabokov

Nabokov’s writing—complicated, conflicted, historically juicy—remains a worthy locus of attention and a source of immense hermeneutic joy, for the reader, critic, teacher, student.

a year ago

A Danse Macabre, Experiencing Death in An Out-Of-Tune Piano, An Accordion

For me, death has always been simply: “oh.” That’s all there’s left to say, really. Oh, he’s dead. Oh, when was the last time I talked to her? Oh. Oh oh oh. “Oh,” is all I can say in response to something that’s already happened. Nothing can be changed. It can only be reacted to.

a year ago

What No One Told You About Russia's Women Authors

Have you ever wondered where Russia's women writers were in the nineteenth century? Well, as it turns out, they were right there this whole time and they published quite a lot. Not only did women authors publish a lot quantitatively, but they published in some of the most

a year ago