The Captain's Daughter by Pushkin
Major themes: Is it really fatalist?, My boy Pugachev, Benedict Anderson will never leave us alone
Heart of a Dog by Bulgakov
Major themes: The Balalaika is stored in the pituitary gland, Novels as forum, Criminal Testes.
The Funeral Party by Ulitskaya
Major themes: Alcohol, The August Coup, the Labyrinth of Plots returns.
The Meek One by Dostoevsky (w/ Dr. Kaitlin Shirley)
Major themes: Domination, Child Marriage, Uncritical Introspection
Anna Karenina p.8
This week, Matt and Cameron cover Part 8 of Anna Karenina, the FINAL section of this incredibly wonderful novel.
Anna Karenina p.7
Major themes: Red Flags, City Livin’, Hangin’ With Your Buds (and also father-in-law) at the Club