
Matryona's House by Solzhenitsyn

Show Notes

This week, Matt and Cameron (finally) respond to the request of a Patron and tackle "Matryona’s House" by Aleksandr Solzhenitzyn. In this loosely autobiographical story, we follow our unnamed narrator’s time living with the eponymous Matryona in the very interesting town of Peat-Produce as he better understands the dynamic of living in this small town. Ah, and also there are cockroaches. Many, many cockroaches. Have fun!~

Major themes: Cockroaches, Allegories for the USSR, Torfoprodukt

07:16 - If you’re interested.

23: 3x - The pictures of the real Matryona’s House. It’s a pretty sick house, to be honest.

The music used in this episode was “soviet march,” by Toasted Tomatoes. You can find more of their work on Bandcamp and Youtube.