Eugene Onegin p.3 by Pushkin (w/ Dr. Katherine Bowers)

Major themes: Onegin is a simp, All Gothic All the Way Down, Buy Dr. Bowers' Book

Eugene Onegin p.2 by Pushkin

Major themes: Pushkin teaches us PUA, Dueling etiquette, “Russian to the core”

Eugene Onegin p.1 by Pushkin

Major themes: Terpsichorean foot, Russian Nobility, It’s Napoleon all the way down

Crime and Punishment Epilogue (w/ Dr. Kate Holland)

Major themes: Reddit Theme Analysis, Raskolnikov’s dream is just Twitter, A Thoughtful and Sensitive Napoleon

Crime and Punishment p.6 (w/ Dr. Kaitlin Shirley)

Major themes: Dunia keeps that MF thang on her, Comparisons to the "Meek One," Getting to a Full Yeltsin

Crime and Punishment p.5

Major themes: Self-Deception, The power of Sonia’s worldview, funeral parties.