Zuleikha p.1 by Yakhina

Major themes: Forest spirits, Vestigial pagan folklore, and Dekulakization

Anna Karenina Film Adaptations with Ally Pitts

Major themes: Adultery, Kiera Knightly’s painful smile, Is Stiva the real villain of the book?

Love of the Worker Bees by Kollontai

Major themes: Adultery, *Our* kid, New Economic Policy = Capitalism?

What Is to Be Done? by Lenin

Major themes: Constant references to recent articles in Iskra, Learning to write for the revolution, Trade Unionism

What Is to Be Done? by Tolstoy

Major themes: Idiosyncratic Religious Beliefs, Rage Against the Landed Gentry, and Fiji

What Is to Be Done? by Chernyshevsky

Major themes: Rakhmetov Being an Absolute Unit, Sewing Collectives, Subtext is for Cowards