The Street of Crocodiles by Bruno Schulz
Major themes: Torturing matter, Doomed eroticism, Unfinished modernity
Devil's Yard by Ivo Andrić
Major themes: Narrative confusion, Residue of truth, The eyes have it
Life and Fate (Part 3, Chs. 49-61) by Grossman
Major themes: Bureaucracy, Stalingrad, the meaning of Life and Fate
Aelita (1924) by Protazanov
Major themes: Is popular media art?, Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Missing Sugar
Office Hours - Answering r/Dostoevsky's hottest questions
Major themes: Pierre winky face, Dostoevsky and atheists, Laurus
Life and Fate (Part 2 Chs. 51-62, Part 3 chs. 1-18) by Grossman
Major themes: Madonna and babe, redemptive humanism, gossip