The Master and Margarita (chs. 1-9) by Bulgakov
Major themes: Speculating on currency, writing in the USSR, The Devil as chance
The Kreutzer Sonata with Dr. Tatyana Gershkovich
Major themes: Moral Tracts, suspicious reading, bad marriages
The Performance by Dovlatov
Major themes: The real no-termers, dirty reality & brilliant falsehood, theater of absurdity
Leviathan (2014) by Zvyagintsev
Major themes: “It’s a bleak boy,” Job’s lament, God in silence
An Out-Of-Tune Piano, An Accordion by Andrukhovych
Major themes: Dreams, Cats = good/bad?, “Diseased predator”
On the Way: A Sketch by Khvoshchinskaya
Major Themes: Whose Interiority Was it Anyway?, Nostalgia, Childhood