War and Peace (Book 1, Part 1)
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Show Notes
This week, Matt and Cameron kick off their longest series ever: Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace. This episode they’ll be reading Part 1 of Book 1 (don’t worry there are only four books and two epilogues) and get into the nitty gritty of peace. But at risk of engaging with too many clichés, the maneuvers of peace (and mostly the soiree) can be just as complex as war. Grab your koumiss and tune in!
Interested in the video version of this podcast? Find it here.
Major themes: Big Heineken, Dangerous Neighborhoods, Felines
00:56 - *Cue Curb Your Enthusiasm theme music*
04:19 - Although Spotify does offer video podcasting, we unfortunately aren’t able to offer it on that platform! You can check out our Youtube channel if you would like to see the video versions of our podcasts.
10:47 - Big L on my part. Elder Bolkonsky is Nikolai Bolkonsky, while the younger is Andrei Bolkonsky. That being said, Andrei’s son will be named Nikolai in a later part so the joke stands if you shift it a generation.
The music used in this episode was “soviet march,” by Toasted Tomatoes. You can find more of their work on Bandcamp and YouTube.