
We p.1 by Zamyatin

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Show Notes

This week, Matt and Cameron tackle the first half of Evgeny’s Zamyatin’s We. Perhaps the first novel of sci-fi dystopia as we would recognize it today, We portends a dark future where Ciphers rise uni-millionly, work uni-millionly, and have sheepishly (I like to imagine) register for sex day uni-millionly. Come along as we follow the journey of D-503 as we read the novel that launched a thousand rip-offs.

Major themes: Pink Slips, 1984, and Mathematical Socialism

08:46 - “Enclave” is what I meant to say, instead of “conclave.”

21:17 - In fact, it was a 1931 speech where Stalin proclaimed that the USSR had ten years to industrialize, “or be crushed.”

29:45 - Terms and Conditions Matt meant to say and EULA I meant to say.

The music used in this episode was “soviet march,” by Toasted Tomatoes. You can find more of their work on Bandcamp and Youtube.